At the center of the Christian life and in the life of the church is Christian worship. It colors, reflects and shapes our views and relationships with God and the world. As a Christian activity worship is supreme, primary, indispensable and of the highest importance. The act of worship is the church’s most basic identity and is its defining characteristic. Worship distinguishes a church as church. All other activities of the church flow from our worship.
Worship is a God-given gift, not a human invention. God always takes the initiative as recorded with the great Old Testament figures of faith listed in the book of Hebrews, beginning with the calling of Abraham (Heb 11:11-40). Worship, such as praise, thanksgiving and repentance, is our response to God.
All through Scripture, God calls his created ones to worship the Most High. The Psalmist reminds us: “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Ps. 29:2).
As a community of faith, we continuously seek to keep the synergy between worship and activities beyond the church walls. Worship is service. Service is worship. Each work done in response to the Father’s love is an act of worship. Mission, defined in a larger sense, is the fulfillment of God’s ultimate reason for the church’s existence: to the praise and glory of the Lord.