About a year and a half. We began attending in the fall of 2022 and I came on staff in the summer of 2023.
Let’s go DUKE!!
Philippians 3:20-21
I help lead our 20 and 30 year old members. This involves teaching in Sunday School, helping organize events, and working to build community within these age groups.
My wife, Laura, and I have been married since May 2020. In October of 2023, we welcomed our first child, James, into the family.
Anything Star Wars
I’m an equal-opportunity eater, so everything! But, if I had to choose a favorite, it would be surf and turf.
I love to play guitar, golf, read, and go hiking. I also enjoy anything that is active, so I’m always down for a pick up game or activity.
Craft-roasted beans which are then made pour-over style. No cream or sugar, as the coffee should be able to speak for itself. 😉
I’ve officially been on staff since June 2023. pastoring the First Baptist Church of Evans as we merged with FBC Augusta and closed operations at the Evans campus. In August 2023 I transitioned into work at FBC Augusta.
I’m a graduate of Carson-Newman College (now University).
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
As Minister of Community Engagement, I’m working to help our congregation see how our local and national “systems” sometimes makes life oppressive for our neighbors (the ones Jesus told us to love as much as we love ourselves). I want to help us engage more broadly and effectively with our community to bring a flourishing life for everyone. I also enjoy directing the First Family Singers as we minister in personal care residences.
Kids are great! I’ve been “uncle” to several of my friends’ kids.
I don’t know that I have a favorite. I’m most drawn to stories of generous love, redemption, and restoration like Babette’s Feast and Places in the Heart.
My mother’s potato salad is my lifetime favorite comfort food. I like various dishes and cuisines, but I’m rarely not in the mood for Thai.
Reading is my biggest hobby. I like stories (fiction, biography, history), books on spiritual formation and ministry, and books imparting “wisdom,” which covers a lot of topics. I enjoy playing the piano; I’ve been the accompanist for the Columbia County Choral Society for a long time. I collect pottery and coins.
I love the aroma of coffee; that’s much better than tasting it.
I started working at FBC on August 1, 2022.
I received my Business Management degree from Samford University and my Master of Divinity degree from McAfee School of Theology. I’m an Alabama native and a lifelong fan of the Alabama Crimson Tide! Roll Tide!
Philippians 2:1-11
I minister to students from 6th grade up to college. My job has many responsibilities such as teaching Bible studies, planning mission trips and retreats, and offering pastoral care to students and their families. My favorite part of my job is providing opportunities for students to connect with God and to build strong relationships with one another.
My wife (Courtney) and I have been married since 2013. We have 2 children, a daughter Ellie Blake and a son Everett.
It’s hard to pick just one, but if I had to choose, it’d probably be Tommy Boy.
Again, it’s hard to pick just one. I’m a huge seafood fan so pretty much anything with shrimp or fish.
I’m a competitive disc golfer so if I’m not working or hanging out with my family, you can usually find me on the disc golf course. I also enjoy hiking and woodworking.
I’ve never been a coffee guy.
My first day as Interim Administrator at FBC Augusta was August 15, 2022.
I graduated from the University of Georgia in 1986 and received my MBA from Georgia State but I will always be a Dawg fan.
Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My role as administrator is to support the ministries of the church. My primary responsibilities are facilities, finances and human resources.
My wife, Margie, and I have been married for nearly 10 years. We have a daughter, Eliza, who is 24 and lives and works in Smyrna, GA. Our son, Jack, is 19 and a freshman at UGA. Georgia, our 3-year old Havanese, lives with us and rules the house.
I’m a James Bond fan. And while I think Daniel Craig was a great Bond, Sean Connery is my favorite actor to play the role.
I enjoy lots of different types of food, Italian is probably my favorite.
I love to travel but haven’t done nearly as much as I would like. We were planning to go to Tuscany in 2020 but we all know what happened then. I hope we can get that trip back on the calendar soon. I also enjoy gardening. We recently moved here and our backyard was a blank slate. It’s been fun working out there to create a beautiful garden.
I’m not a coffee drinker. I usually start my day with a green smoothie.
I became the Senior Pastor at FBC on April 16, 2017, which was Easter Sunday that year.
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from the University of Georgia (2005) , a Master of Divinity from Emory University (2008), and a Doctor of Ministry from Mercer University (2019). While I am proud to be an Eagle (Emory) and a Bear (Mercer), I am without question a Dawg at heart.
Matthew 5-7. It is more than a verse, but it is worth fifteen minutes to read. If you press me on a verse, it is Romans 8:31-39.
My job as Senior Pastor is to preach, teach, and represent our church in a variety of public settings. An important part of my work is to dream about where we are headed as a community of faith. I am still shocked that I get paid to do this everyday.
Sara and I started dating our senior year of high school (2000) and have been married since 2008. We have three girls Miriam, Evie, and Naomi.
Two of my favorite movies are Rudy and Jingle All the Way.
Bone-in-Filet with Corn Creme Brulee and Grilled Asparagus from Quality Meats in NYC. Locally, you cannot go wrong with the Duck Poutine from Craft and Vine. Yes, I am a Foodie.
As I said above, I am a foodie, which means one of my hobbies is trying all the amazing food our city has to offer. I also play golf and try to get out on the course as much as possible. I also love to read, primarily theology and philosophy books.
I consume significant amounts of coffee during the day, so for the sake of my waistline, I drink my coffee black.
I joined First Baptist as their Minister to Preschool and Children on October 22, 2017. As God moved and called I moved into the role of Minister to Senior Adults and Missions July 1, 2022.
I root for UGA (Go DAWGS!!) My Alma Mater is Shorter College, 1996 where I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy. I attended Mercer University, McAfee School of Theology, 2000 where I earned my Master of Divinity.
Micah 6:8 “The Lord God has told us what is right and what God demands: “See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God.”
As the Minister to Senior Adults and Missions I have the privilege to welcome 55+ adults and their families to First Baptist. I have the honor to minister with adults who are thriving and growing in their spiritual formation. We worship, study, serve, and have fun together. As the Minister to Missions I help all age groups engage in service around the CSRA working closely with our Mission Pillar Team and our Missions Development Council to help live into FBC’s mission “to connect people with Jesus and our faith community”.
I am married to John Carlton Willis, III (Carl) We were married on Sept. 27, 2003. We have 2 wonderful daughters Mattie Paige and Juliana.
My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas, My favorite Disney movie is Meet the Robinsons, My favorite “take me back to my day” movie is Mystic Pizza.
Baking, Photography, Board games with family, dabble in gardening, I would like to begin fishing again.
On any given day at any given time- Dark Roast, Half n Half, 1 Stevia packet.
Since we moved to Augusta in 2018
UGA – Go Dawgs!
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Meeting people around the church and helping them get connected! Bonus points if they get connected in the Young Adult group since I help out there as well.
I am married to Alex Griffin (who grew up at First Baptist). We have a toddler named Lincoln.
I love the Sound of Music and The Holiday.
Probably chocolate. But I really love tortilla chips too!
I love to read, hike, travel and drink coffee.
However it comes! I do not say no to coffee. At home, I drink it black. At Starbies, iced with cream and classic.
I have been a part of FBC Augusta my entire life. My parents met in this church, I was born into this fellowship and have experienced many milestones here such as baptism, marriage, and ordination. I joined the staff of FBC on June 1, 2020 as the Director of Weekday Education.
I’m a true Baptist Bear! I graduated from Mercer University in Macon with a Bachelor of Music degree (2004) and from Baylor University’s Truett Seminary with a Master of Divinity in Christian Education (2007). I am currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology.
Job 5:9 “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”
If you ask my daughters to answer this question, they say I am the “principal” of First Baptist. My job is a wonderful mixture of two things that I truly love: education and ministry. Each day brings new experiences and challenges as I oversee the operations of the Mother’s Day Out, Preschool and Kindergarten programs at First Baptist Church. I supervise and offer support to the teachers and staff of the Weekday program to help them be more successful in the classroom. I also minister to the children and families who are part of the Weekday program and in turn part of the larger FBC Augusta family.
Jason and I met while we were both attending seminary in Texas and were married December 23, 2006. We have two amazing daughters, Melody and Julianna.
Our family loves to watch movies together, so this question has become more difficult to answer as the years go by. My all-time favorite movie is “While You Were Sleeping” but as a family I most enjoy watching the “Toy Story” movies.
Ice cream. No matter how cold it is, ice cream is always the right answer!
During my free time I am usually spending time with family. Most weekends are spent sharing a meal at my parents’ house, working puzzles or shopping with my girls. I especially love shopping for bargains! I enjoy being creative as well; sometimes my creativity takes the form of a pound cake while other times it is in the form of a home décor project.
I must confess, Jason makes my coffee each morning so he could probably answer this question better than I can. I like a little light roast coffee with my flavored creamer, Splenda, and milk. My flavor of choice is white chocolate mocha.
I have been at FBC since May 2017. I came on board just after Will became Senior Pastor.
My Alma Mater is University of North Carolina so I’m definitely a Tar Heel… at least in basketball season.
Revelation 7:9-10 Something about this multifaceted expression of unity and diversity in worship inspires me deeply.
I have the privilege of leading a team of creatives, techs and musicians that shape the contemporary worship experience at FBC. I strive to foster an aesthetic that speaks to the goodness AND greatness of God in our services, media production and music. I also facilitate our television/streaming broadcasts and inhouse media development. My heart is to empower a passionate group of Christ chasers to bring their genuine inner devotion out as a captivating expression of worship that adds to the beauty of in the world. What I love about what I do is watching people come together around something creative that brings glory to the name of Jesus.
I’ve been married to Kelly since 2000 and other than giving my life to Jesus, it’s been the best thing to happen to me. We have five amazing kids – our twins, Nadia and Kendrick, our middles, Tashi and Sennah, and our youngest Clara. We love being outdoors, playing board games. We homeschool and enjoy serving our community together. They really are the best part of who I am.
I have two favorites Amistad and Tommy Boy. I know, they don’t belong in the same sentence but I love them both for different reasons. Amistad is powerful. I love Tommy Boy because I’m a sucker for a good comedy!
I Love Food! I love exotic food and everyday food. I love trying things I’ve never tasted before. I definitely love wild game.
I am a music nerd! I love all things music from the latest technology to the finding obscure artists to listen to. I love playing new instruments and listening almost any genre. It’s my world. But I also enjoy hunting, hiking, reading, DIY projects, graphic design, filmmaking, cooking, working out.
Bulletproof with Stevia. Favorite bean is Tanzanian peaberry.
I joined the wonderful team of ministers at First Baptist in September of 2019.
Alma Mater would be the Flying Feet of Erskin, located in Due West (which is Due West of nothing), but I root for Clemson.
Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I have the joy of leading multiple musical ensembles both in worship and on mission. My goal for every group I work with is to strive for excellence in musical ability, but more importantly, to connect what we are singing about or playing with our spiritual walk with God. Yes it’s important to sing well, but it’s more important to know why we’re singing and what we’re singing about.
I have a wonderful wife of 10 years, Lindsey and three joy-filled daughters, Bella, Randi, and Piper. We all have fun together and crack up over some of our shenanigans.
I’m a movie lover, so this is hard. I’d have to say if I see Red October on, I’ll probably watch it, no matter how many times I’ve seen it.
I’m partial to sushi, and other Chinese food.
Hunting, carpentry, fishing, water sports, other outdoor and indoor sports, backpacking, more than I have time for…
Pretty picky on this one, light roast and has to have cream and Splenda. Sweet and Low is second choice, and sugar is the last alternative. Favorite cream is sugar free Italian Creme, then I’d choose hazelnut. Regular half & half is last choice too!