May Sermon Series

For many Christians, we were raised in an environment where questions were discouraged. The few times I went to church as a teenager, I remember being told that there were elements of our faith where you “don’t ask questions, you just believe it.” While that way of thinking about faith might work for some people, I found that it just wasn’t enough for me. That was true when I was a boy who wasn’t a Christian. It continues to be true for me, even as someone who has dedicated my life to teaching others about how to follow Jesus.

I wonder how many other people had experiences similar to mine? How many people have brought their genuine concern and thoughtful reflections only to be told that, “we don’t ask questions like those, just believe.”? It’s truly remarkable that when you read through the Bible, you encounter the opposite of that idea! Men and women all throughout history have brought their questions, doubts, and denials to God. Far from being told to stop questioning, what we find instead is that our questions are welcome! Moses asked deep questions. Elijah expresses doubt about his calling. Even Jesus is allowed to go to Father in his own moment of existential anxiety. The good news is that God is big enough to handle our questions!

All throughout the month of May, I want to talk about your questions. What are the questions that you have always wrestled with as you sought to follow Jesus well in the world? I have already put out a call for your questions on Sunday morning as well as on my social media pages. I want to give you one last opportunity to send me your thoughts. My plan is to choose the four most asked questions and preach on those each Sunday of May. For those that I won’t be preaching on, I will do my best to address each question in a personal email or phone call.

I am so proud to be part of a church that encourages us to do the hard work of the soul. Confronting our doubts doesn’t make our faith weaker. In fact, I believe it has the opportunity to make us all better followers of Christ!

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

