Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten Curriculum

Hard copies of Kindergarten Curriculum are available in the Director’s office.

The curriculum for the Kindergarten classes endeavors to foster learning in a Christian atmosphere. All areas of intellectual development, social behavior, emotional balance, physical skills and Christian values are addressed through a thematic, age appropriate, readiness program. The children experience formal and informal teaching, teacher directed activities, and free play.

The K5 program focuses on reading readiness with an emphasis on discrimination, perception skills, and language skills.

Phonics and handwriting are stressed through the Sing, Spell, Read and Write materials.

Math is taught through hands-on approach to teaching number concepts. It gives the child a concrete understanding of numbers and of comparative relationships. Practice is also done in writing the numerals.

Science, health and social studies are incorporated through the themes developed for each week’s unit.

Music and art are incorporated into each unit of study.

Socialization is addressed through outside play time and informal classroom experiences.

Bible stories and verses, Christian principles and a weekly chapel are a part of the plans.

Each child’s skills are evaluated in the winter and conferences are held with parents to discuss their progress. Additional conferences are also held, as needed.

Kindergarten Registration

Registration is held each January, with currently enrolled families and First Baptist Church members enrolling first. The general public may register. Enrollment is open until all spaces are filled.

Forms for all programs (K3, K4, K5, & Mother’s Day Out for younger children) are available in the Preschool Office area. Pick one up, complete and return it with registration fee.

To register, either come by and complete the registration information and pay the registration fee (see below), or download the registration form from this site. Complete the form and bring to the Preschool office, along with the registration fee, or mail the form and check to Carla Parker, First Baptist Church, 3500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30909.

Registration fees are due at the time of registration and are non-refundable.
Tuition is collected for 10 months, August – May and is due on the 1st of each month.
