Job Description
Title: Director of Contemporary Worship
Direct Supervisor: Associate Pastor
The Director of Contemporary Worship at FBC Augusta will lead, oversee, and execute the vision of the church by crafting and leading a worship experience that is Christ-centered, Spirit-led, and aligns with our hope to connect people with Jesus Christ and our community of faith. This person will lead by example, being a committed and faithful follower of Jesus who works to deepen community with worship team members and others who are connected to the contemporary service and FBC Augusta.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Lead all contemporary worship services
- Select all music for the contemporary service; introduce new music regularly
- Recruit & select band members and singers
- Rehearse band weekly; extended rehearsals at appropriate times
- Ensure an effective number of musicians are present each Sunday
- Provide Music Ministry Assistant with song titles for the next Sunday by Tuesday morning
- Foster a spirit of camaraderie and spiritual growth within the band
- Provide a worship order to all integral personnel by Thursday each week
- Provide music for combined services as requested
- Provide coverage in the event of personal absence
- Recruit, schedule and train A/V and lighting volunteers
- Develop graphics for each Sunday, sermon series, etc.; search for and edit videos to complement
worship themes
- Produce original video to complement worship themes, church programming, etc.
- Always seek to promote harmony between the staff and among church members
- Complete any other duties assigned in a timely manner
- Three to five years experience as a primary Worship Leader
- An excellent understanding of sound reinforcement(digital and analog) A/V equipment and its operation
- Advanced familiarity with ProPresenter media software
- Ability to edit video footage for presentation
- Excellent computer skills with a working knowledge of a variety software programs